Daniel Hiller

Geek, programmer, father
I'm a software engineer with more than 20 years of work experience.
I strive to create software that is useful for people so they can do stuff that matters.

Reasons For Developing Without Tests
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Rules for test driven bug fixing

Formatting curl xml result via xmllint


xml lint format 

So I got fed up recently when reloading a url to check an xml result using Chrome because I was using HTTP basic authentication also. Chrome was annoying me because each time I switched from no auth to auth I had to manually remove all browser data and restart chrome.

So I tried to use curl for that job. The only annoyance was that the xml is not formatted properly.

So xmllint for the rescue

curl 'yoururlhere' | xmllint --format -

and that’s it.

Reasons For Developing Without Tests
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Rules for test driven bug fixing

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