Daniel Hiller

Geek, programmer, father
I'm a software engineer with more than 20 years of work experience.
I strive to create software that is useful for people so they can do stuff that matters.

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Run multiple Intellij version installations on linux

Don't forget that thenThrow returns an OngoingStubbing instance *sigh*


java mock spring retry 

I’ve often had the problem that when checking for a working retry mechanism (btw. spring-retry works great) I wanted to first throw an exception and then return a value or whatever else is necessary.

Easy peasy, I thought. Just create an Answer and hold state within the answer i.e. a boolean that gets set to true after it has been called:

public void queryIsRetried() {
    final Answer objectAnswer = new Answer() {

        boolean called;

        public Object answer(InvocationOnMock invocation) throws Throwable {
            if(called) {
                return null;

            called = true;
            throw new RuntimeException();
    when(lexdbJdbcTemplate.query(anyString(), any(RowMapper.class)))
    underTest.query("SELECT 1;");

And of course there is a much easier way, stupid me:

public void queryIsRetried() {
    when(lexdbJdbcTemplate.query(anyString(), any(RowMapper.class)))
            .thenThrow(new RuntimeException())
    underTest.query("SELECT 1;");
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