Daniel Hiller

Geek, programmer, father
I'm a software engineer with more than 20 years of work experience.
I strive to create software that is useful for people so they can do stuff that matters.

Using Infinitest for real
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Git aliases, the easy way

Useful git aliases when working with Maven and Jira


git alias 

Put these into your .gitconfig below the alias section:

    # Return all jira issue keys from commit messages
    issues = !sh -c 'git log --oneline $@ | egrep -o [A-Z]+-[0-9]+ | sort -V | uniq' -
    # Fetch id of latest commit from maven release plugin
    release-commit = !sh -c 'git log --all --grep=maven-release-plugin.*prepare.release --format=%H| head -1'
    # Return all jira issue keys since last usage of maven release plugin
    issues-since-release = !sh -c 'git issues $(git release-commit)..'
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Git aliases, the easy way

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