Daniel Hiller

Geek, programmer, father
I'm a software engineer with more than 20 years of work experience.
I strive to create software that is useful for people so they can do stuff that matters.

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Git aliases continued


git alias 

Here I’m just jotting down some handy git aliases I’ve become accustomed to use.

Note: shown example output is for the spring-integration-samples repository.

Git status abbreviated

git config --global alias.s status

Example output:

$ git s
On branch master
Your branch is up-to-date with 'origin/master'.

nothing to commit, working tree clean

Git log enhanced with bells and whistles

Shows list of commits, using abbreviated commit ids, full comment, and branch graph decorated with tag and branch names

git config --global alias.ll "log --abbrev-commit --graph --decorate"

Example output:

$ git ll
*   commit 078a72e
|\  Merge: 9759373 e53d49d
| | Author: Gunnar Hillert <[email protected]>
| | Date:   Sun Mar 10 13:02:33 2013 -0700
| |
| |     Merge pull request #89 from ghillert/INTSAMPLES-107
| |
| |     INTSAMPLES-107 - Add CoffeeService Sample to Oracle StoredProc Sample
| |
| * commit e53d49d
|/  Author: Gunnar Hillert <[email protected]>
|   Date:   Fri Mar 8 16:25:56 2013 -0500
|       INTSAMPLES-107 - Add CoffeeService Sample to Oracle StoredProc Sample
|       * Add the CoffeeService Sample from the PostgreSql Stored Procedure Sample to the Oracle Stored Procedure Sample.
|       For reference see: https://jira.springsource.org/browse/INTSAMPLES-107
*   commit 9759373 (tag: v2.2.0.RELEASE)
|\  Merge: 7928871 f6e4f4d
| | Author: Gunnar Hillert <[email protected]>
| | Date:   Thu Jan 10 22:48:51 2013 -0800
| |
| |     Merge pull request #84 from ghillert/INTSAMPLES-102-2
| |
| |     INTSAMPLES-102 - Fix intermittently failing tests
| |
| * commit f6e4f4d
|/  Author: Gunnar Hillert <[email protected]>

Git log enhanced with bells and whistles (short form)

Shows list of commits in one line format, using abbreviated commit ids, first line of comment, and branch graph decorated with tag and branch names

git config --global alias.l "log --format=oneline --abbrev-commit --graph --decorate"

Example output:

$ git l
*   078a72e Merge pull request #89 from ghillert/INTSAMPLES-107
| * e53d49d INTSAMPLES-107 - Add CoffeeService Sample to Oracle StoredProc Sample
*   9759373 (tag: v2.2.0.RELEASE) Merge pull request #84 from ghillert/INTSAMPLES-102-2
| * f6e4f4d INTSAMPLES-102 - Fix intermittently failing tests Reference: https://jira.springsource.org/browse/INTSAMPLES-102
*   7928871 Merge pull request #78 from ghillert/INTSAMPLES-63

Show changes staged for commit

git config --global alias.staged "diff --cached"

Example output:

$ git add _posts/
$ git staged
diff --git a/_posts/2018-03-15-git-aliases-continued.md b/_posts/2018-03-15-git-aliases-continued.md
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a1cc188
--- /dev/null
+++ b/_posts/2018-03-15-git-aliases-continued.md
@@ -0,0 +1,98 @@

Hopefully you’ll find them useful also, let me know what you think.

Source: The GIT book - Aliases

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Backup S3 buckets

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