Daniel Hiller

Geek, programmer, father
I'm a software engineer with more than 20 years of work experience.
I strive to create software that is useful for people so they can do stuff that matters.

Useful git aliases when working with Maven and Jira
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Git aliases, the easy way


git alias 

After wrestling with the global .gitconfig file for installing aliases like a shortcut for status using vi, I thought there must be an easier way, and there is (as always when using git):

Create an alias for a compressed log with decorations and graph:

git config --global alias.l 'log --format=oneline --graph --decorate'

So instead of typing

git log --format=oneline --graph --decorate

then you can just enter

git l

and you will get a onelined history output complete with ascii visual graph and annotations for where every branch pointer is ATM :)

> git l
* 87e02884a6d45e0d003ffcdccf41098716ca876e (HEAD -> master) Moved files to folder
* 9d1c1dee120e5a189f562c2fc5d12709ae35102d (origin/master) Latest version
* 7b34163291fda0b82bf4777d7b9c24a22df9338e Corrected special characters
* 838ccffe24c7356f52063fc0b6e6c638dcccbd5a Removed lock file
* 74fff37b8ee77113b0702baeb0f9b85f17e5f7e9 Added gitignore
* 4b87667f117412034e977f61de8839b251b5ff81 Added conversion script
* 291eed8a5f44520e8ca706bc6fc7286978fc821c Initial commit

Source: The GIT book - Aliases

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